July Newsletter: Estate Planning News You Can Use to Beat the Heat

estate planning news

Inadequate or outdated estate plans can have detrimental effects on both you and your loved ones. Our July newsletter aims to emphasize the significance of establishing a comprehensive estate plan that safeguards your legacy and facilitates a seamless transition for future generations.

Parent-Child Relationship in Estate Planning

The parent-child relationship can take many forms, including biological, adopted, step, or presumed parenthood. It’s crucial that your estate plan identifies your beneficiaries and the legal relationship you have with them.

Regarding the legal entitlement of children to inherit from their parents, there is no distinction between adopted children and biological children; they are deemed equal under the law. However, matters concerning stepchildren or individuals assumed to be parents can introduce complexities. However, with a well-thought-out, comprehensive estate plan, you can rest assured that your wishes regarding inheritance will be apparent, adequately documented, and legally enforced.

Estate Planning Strategies for Watercraft

Several estate planning strategies can be customized to manage boats and personal watercraft effectively. By employing these tailored strategies, you can establish a smooth transfer of ownership, alleviate potential tax obligations, prevent familial conflicts, and create opportunities for future generations to enjoy being on the water.

These planning strategies include:

  • Using a trust structure for boat ownership to maintain control over your boat while simplifying the transfer process.
  • Using gifting and lifetime transfers which reduces estate taxes by removing the boat from the taxable estate.
  • Establishing an LLC which may provide personal liability protection by separating the boat’s ownership from your accounts and property.

Friction Between Family Members

Friction between family members can arise when faced with a faulty estate plan. Here are the top ways an estate plan can induce tumultuous family conflict.

  • Absence of a plan. Without instruction, loved ones are likely to engage in disputes and disagreements regarding your intentions.
  • Unclear plan. When your estate plan neglects crucial considerations, it can create room for interpretation and disagreements among beneficiaries.
  • Outdated plan. As life circumstances change, your estate plan can become misaligned with the dynamics of your current family situation.
  • Unequal plan. Unequal treatment of beneficiaries can generate tension and cause emotional distress among family members.
  • Unexpected tax consequences. Insufficient estate planning can result in substantial tax liabilities that have the potential to diminish the wealth you wish to pass on to beneficiaries.
  • Business succession issues. Without a clearly outlined plan, conflicts may emerge concerning ownership and the long-term trajectory of the business.

Mitigate the likelihood of such conflicts by seeking guidance from one of our expert estate planning attorneys. Schedule your free consultation today.

Want to learn more? Check out the July issue of our newsletter.