Federal District Court Strikes Down CTA as Unconstitutional

Federal District Court Strikes Down CTA as Unconstitutional

The Lawsuit The National Small Business Association (NSBA), a non-profit representing over 65,000 businesses across the United States, filed a lawsuit against the US Department of the Treasury and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. They claimed that the Corporate Transparency Act’s mandatory disclosure rules went beyond Congress’s authority outlined in Article I of the US Constitution…

All About Residuary Clauses

All About Residuary Clauses

It can be difficult to meticulously catalog and address every possession in your will or trust. However, incorporating a thorough review process, seeking professional guidance, and including a residuary clause can help mitigate the likelihood of oversight. These strategies guarantee a more comprehensive and effective estate planning strategy. Let’s take a closer look at residuary…

This February Is the Time to Cultivate and Build Relationships

This February Is the Time to Cultivate and Build Relationships

Our February newsletter delves into the realm of practical wisdom, guiding you through the intricacies of safeguarding your loved ones with straightforward estate planning tips. We also unravel the mysteries surrounding third-party waivers as our expert attorneys shed light on this essential topic, offering clarity and understanding. Lastly, we offer insights into the art of…

What Happens to Real Estate With a Mortgage When the Owner Passes?

What Happens to Real Estate With a Mortgage When the Owner Passes?

Debt does not simply go away when the debtor passes, which is true of a mortgage. Therefore, the beneficiaries will inherit the property and the existing debt if a home still carries a loan. Various situations may arise, contingent upon the specific terms of the mortgage. For example, beneficiaries may take over the mortgage or…

The Differences in Various Estate Law Attorney Specialties Explained

The Differences in Various Estate Law Attorney Specialties Explained

Estate planning attorneys, probate attorneys, and trust administration attorneys each fulfill vital yet distinct functions within the legal procedures related to legacy planning, asset distribution, and wealth preservation. Estate planning attorneys focus on creating a plan to manage a person’s assets and affairs, while probate and trust administration attorneys settle an estate or trust after…

Navigating the Complex Terrain of Stolen Items in an Estate

Navigating the Complex Terrain of Stolen Items in an Estate

Families diligently plan their estates to organize and distribute money and property for the benefit of their loved ones. For most families, what they leave has been hard-earned by them throughout their lives. However, there are circumstances of stolen property within an estate. The discovery of such can lead to legal, financial, and emotional complexities….

Unveiling Our Firm’s New Name

Unveiling Our Firm’s New Name

We are proud to announce that Law & Stein LLP has changed its name to Law Stein Anderson, reflecting the continued and impactful contributions of partner Shauna R. Anderson. Shauna achieved remarkable success in her private practice before joining Law Stein Anderson. For over a decade, she has showcased unparalleled expertise in estates, trusts, tax…

You Can Have the Best of Both Worlds With Testamentary Trusts

You Can Have the Best of Both Worlds With Testamentary Trusts

There are various avenues to consider when crafting an estate plan. Some favor the flexibility offered by a revocable living trust, while others contend that a last will and testament (commonly referred to as a will) is more suitable. For those seeking a balanced approach, a combination of both, facilitated by a testamentary trust, is…