Revisit Your Estate Plan After Home Remodeling Projects

Revisit Your Estate Plan After Home Remodeling Projects

Spring has sprung, which means many homeowners are kicking off remodeling projects. It’s the time of year when homeowners are motivated to undertake various projects to enhance their homes’ efficiency, infuse their living spaces with their unique touch, and address overdue maintenance tasks. In fact, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) celebrates May as…

What to Bring to A Meeting With Your Estate Planning Attorney

What to Bring to A Meeting With Your Estate Planning Attorney

When you first meet with your Law Stein Anderson estate planning attorney, you’ll discuss and strategize a plan for your assets. We aim to protect your wealth, minimize tax liabilities, and create the most comprehensive plan to fulfill your intentions. We know that talking about end-of-life wishes can be a sensitive topic. Therefore, we want…

Estate Plan Etiquette + Probate Rules to Know

Estate Plan Etiquette + Probate Rules to Know

In honor of May being National Etiquette Month, we offer ways to bolster your estate plan by incorporating the key elements of etiquette. Furthermore, this month’s newsletter outlines circumstances that may indicate an update to your estate plan is calling. Lastly, we discuss some essential probate rules to know should you need to wind up…

The U.S. Supreme Court Will Soon Hear Arguments in the Case of Tyler v. Hennepin County

The U.S. Supreme Court Will Soon Hear Arguments in the Case of Tyler v. Hennepin County

The U.S. Supreme Court will soon hear arguments in the case of Tyler v. Hennepin County. In this case, Geraldine Tyler lost her condo in Minneapolis, Minnesota, after neglecting to pay $15,000 worth of property taxes by 2015. Hennepin County seized and sold the condo for $40,000 to cover the taxes, interest, and fees due….

Apple’s Tax Agreement With Cupertino Has Fallen Under California Tax Authority’s Scrutiny

Apple’s Tax Agreement With Cupertino Has Fallen Under California Tax Authority’s Scrutiny

The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) launched an audit in 2021 investigating an arrangement between Apple and the city of Cupertino. The arrangement began in 1998 using a 1950s law that looks at orders based on the sale location. In other words, online orders are taxed based on the company’s location, not…

Garn-St Germain Act Exceptions

Garn-St Germain Act Exceptions

The Garn-St Germain Act was passed in 1982 and signed into law by President Ronald Reagan. The act was implemented to help the loan industry, which was struggling with inflation and high interest rates. It allows lenders to enforce contracts, such as mortgage agreements, that contain due-on-sale clauses. They can be enforced even if the…

Including a Limited Liability Company in Your Estate Plan

Including a Limited Liability Company in Your Estate Plan

A limited liability company (LLC) can own some of your bank accounts and property. For this reason, including a limited liability company in your estate plan can be a great tool. Doing so can protect the wealth that you’ve worked hard for. What Is an LLC? An LLC combines the advantages of a partnership or…

What to Bring to A Meeting With Your Probate Attorney

What to Bring to A Meeting With Your Probate Attorney

If you’ve scheduled a meeting with your probate attorney, you’ve taken the first step in navigating the challenging and confusing probate process. Your probate attorney will assist you with court filings, mediate and resolve conflicts between beneficiaries, and represent you if legal issues arise. Being prepared with the necessary documentation is essential when you first…